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Four ministries to benefit tax-free technology and equipment LED industry

2016-12-03 22:35:24 深圳市森翼科技有限公司 Read
March 12, the four departments of the Ministry of Finance jointly issued a notice from April 1 this year, the domestic will be a major technology and equipment import tax policies related equipment and products directory, import key parts and materials directory, imports will not be tax-free equipment and product catalog to be adjusted.

Directory of customs duties and import VAT adjustment, an additional 28 major technical equipment, marine equipment, solar energy applications, LED devices three emerging industries as the most obvious benefit of the plate.

Tax policy flexibility to adjust

Ministry of Finance, Industry and Information Technology Ministry, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued a notice on the adjustment of the major technologies and equipment import tax policy directory, clear the latest revision of this year, the state supports the development of major technical equipment and products Catalog "and" key components of major technical equipment and product imports, raw materials, list of goods to be implemented from April 1, 2012, domestic enterprises who meet the specified conditions set out in the production of the new catalog of major technical equipment and products imported the list of related parts and raw materials, goods, customs duties and import VAT.

Four department also revised the imports shall be exempted of major technical equipment and product catalogs, and approved in accordance with or after April 1 this year, mutatis mutandis, the provisions of the State Council Notice on the Adjustment of Imported Equipment Taxation Policies to enjoy import tax preferential policies related projects and enterprises, self-use equipment in accordance with the contract with the above equipment imported technology and component parts, spare parts listed in the import of the new directory will always act according to the imposition of import tariffs.

For the adjustment of the directory, the experts said, it is mainly based on structural adjustment and industrial upgrading needs. In recent years, domestic equipment manufacturing industry to achieve rapid development, in addition to the growth in demand for the leading role of the major technologies and equipment tax policy is also to provide support to reduce the cost of the core technology and key equipment imported. However, with the major domestic equipment and technology capabilities, the introduction of advanced equipment and the equipment inside have become increasingly prominent.

The directory adjustment has a positive significance in two aspects. First, the gradual adjustment of the whole tax policy of the major technologies and equipment for tax exemptions on imported key components, which is conducive to the realization of the import substitution of the major technologies and equipment; is included in major emerging industry for some yet to be developed but the lack of core technology and key equipment directory of the technology and equipment tax policy, contribute to the adjustment of industrial structure, to achieve the rapid development of new energy, high-end equipment, and other emerging industries.

Emerging industries to benefit significantly

Directory of import tax policy adjustments, a total of 28 categories of major technologies and equipment to become a new species. Of these, 10 million tons of oil refining equipment, natural gas pipelines and transport equipment, large ships and equipment in July 2011 on the adjustment of the three generations of nuclear power units and other major technologies and equipment import tax policies to be embodied. Truly new varieties, mainly concentrated in three areas: marine equipment, solar energy applications, and LED devices.

Marine engineering equipment, there are four categories of equipment will enjoy import duty-free treatment: a floating production storage and offloading unit, the deep-sea pipe-laying ship (platform), a large floating crane barge, sea and tidal zone fan installation vessel. Demand for the development of marine resources at home and abroad, China's future will be to increase the intensity of the development of marine engineering equipment, offshore wind power generation, water desalination and comprehensive utilization of marine renewable energy use, undersea metal ores are focused on the development direction.

March 12 day laborers letter issued by the Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry "12th Five-Year" development plan ", and promote the development of marine engineering equipment manufacturing is classified as a focus on optimizing the industrial layout, technological innovation and development focus mainly around the deep-water oil and gas fields equipment requirements, the implementation of deep-water drilling vessels, very large deep-water floating production storage and unloading devices, deep-water semi-submersible production platforms, offshore turbine installation vessel, floating liquefied natural gas production, storage and unloading devices.

The semiconductor light-emitting diode (LED) production equipment to three new categories of equipment: metal organic chemical vapor deposition, plasma etching machine, indium tin oxide (ITO) sputtering Taiwan. LED is a technical guide industries, especially technology and capital-intensive chip manufacturing requires high-end process equipment to provide support. Semiconductor investment boom "bottleneck" is similar to device development and industrial expansion still exists with speed matching problems, especially in the field of high-end devices, most devices still need to rely on imports. Plasma etching machine, for example, greater capacity, higher performance etcher LED mainstream businesses target, longer maintenance cycles and convenient man-machine interactive interface is also geared to large-scale production line equipment necessary conditions.

Solar cell production equipment five new categories of equipment are as follows: plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition equipment, low pressure chemical vapor deposition, physical vapor deposition equipment, silicon wire cutting machine, automatic printing. At present, the development of solar thermal power industry in China is still in its infancy, compared with the USA and Spain and other countries, the key technology independent, core equipment localization.

Since the second half of 2010, the domestic solar PV industry is a significant development problem, however, the future of world development of renewable energy is the trend of solar energy is an important direction of renewable energy. Through the introduction of tax policies to guide financial support will help to promote the accelerated development of solar energy industry, in order to stimulate the PV industry structure adjustment and industrial upgrading. 
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